Season 9

Meshaal Prototypes

Meshaal Prototypes

Meshaal tries to find his way through the obstacles of the prototyping phase as he goes head-to-head with his Hajj Navigation Bracelet idea.


Hassina Prototypes

Hassina Prototypes

With her eye on the prize, Hassina meets with top experts in the field of ophthalmology to prove her idea of a Children Automated Eye Testing Spectacle works.


Wassim Prototypes

Wassim Prototypes

With a strong background in robotic engineering, Wassim was still faced with unexpected obstacles as he battled through the prototyping phase with his Hospital Patient Food Delivery Robot.


Zainab Prototypes

Zainab Prototypes

With an ambitious task of creating an Auto Cast Maker for Simple Fractured Limbs, Zainab was in the trial and error mode until she saw a slight breakthrough in her innovation cycle.


Fouad Prototypes

Fouad Prototypes

Being the wizard of Nano-technology, Fouad still had to prove to the jury and most importantly, to himself, that he can achieve his tasks by creating a waterproof and wound-healing material with his Nano-Shielding Textile Machine idea.


Mohamed Farag Prototypes

Mohamed Farag Prototypes


Green Lab Elimination | Prototyping

Green Lab Elimination | Prototyping


Blue Lab Elimination | Prototyping

Blue Lab Elimination | Prototyping


Blue Lab Elimination | Prototyping

Blue Lab Elimination | Prototyping


Mohammed Aljeffairi Prototypes

Mohammed Aljeffairi Prototypes

Dealing with hearing impaired children, Mohammed had the delicate task of creating a Deaf Interactive Robotic Teacher that was functional and also approachable to his target age group.



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