The Jury

Profile of

Dr. Sara Buhmaid

Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Sidra Medicine

Season 15 welcomed a new jury member to its panel, Dr. Sara Buhmaid, who brings a wealth of medical expertise and an exceptional passion for innovative technologies to the show. With a medical degree from Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar and a residency at the University of Vermont Medical Center in the USA, she is currently a practicing obstetrician and gynecologist at Sidra Medicine.

Dr. Buhmaid has deep faith in human potential. She witnesses this firsthand daily through the remarkable strength and determination of pregnant women who visit her clinic, exemplifying the remarkable capabilities inherent in individuals. This daily experience serves as a constant source of inspiration for Dr. Buhmaid and highlights the remarkable depth of human capacity, which fuels her passion for her work.

During her medical training, she was introduced to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics in support of medical professionals enhancing their skill levels, which piqued her interest in seeing how these technologies can be leveraged to help humans unlock their full potential.

Dr. Buhmaid was always captivated by SOS’s mission to foster Arab innovators and its ecosystem of groundbreaking technologies and expertise. Today, as a jury member on the show, she is thrilled to witness how these young innovators, brimming with fertile minds and ideas, will bring their visions to life. 

Over the show's 15-year history, Dr. Buhmaid has been impressed by the passion and dedication of the participants. She admires the efforts of the program's alumni and their contributions to society. She holds an unshakeable faith that the next big thing will be Arab-made and is excited to see what the future holds for the show's contestants.

“Never believe that because your innovation did not immediately provide the solution, it’s in vain. If it led you to innovate, it is valid.

If you keep working towards your objective, the solution is underway!”