Season 15 Innovators

Profile of

Mohammed Abbas Albumijdad

Crawler Robot for Vertical Surfaces


Mohammed’s passion for science and research sparked during his school days, where he developed a deeper appreciation for mechanics. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the King Fahed University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) and subsequently achieved a Master’s degree with Honors in Robotics and Autonomous Intelligent Systems Engineering, graduating as a valedictorian. 

Throughout his academic journey and beyond, Mohammad's innovative personality was honed through his engagement in international university representation, participation in the KFUPM Expo, and his notable accomplishments in securing advanced positions in the Audi Innovation Award. Furthermore, his skills were refined through his work on several automation projects.

A big fan of Stars of Science, Mohammed watched the show with great fascination for 10 years and got inspired by the innovative environment and groundbreaking ideas fostered in such an ecosystem. In 2016 he tried to join the show for the first time but didn’t succeed. Undeterred, he persevered, and on his third attempt, he finally made it for season 15.  

About the Project 

For his Master’s thesis, Mohammed devoted two years of diligent work on his project, with the intention of mitigating human safety hazards by developing a method for automating the inspection of large vertical surfaces, such as dams, bridges, and oil and gas storage tanks.

He drew on his extensive professional experience in oil and gas, research and development, particularly in robotics, and brought a wealth of knowledge and insights to bear on his project. 

Mohammed’s efforts culminated in the creation of a climbing robot that scales vertical surfaces for various purposes, including the inspection of dams and skyscrapers as well as bridges for cracks, cleaning, and other purposes in hard-to-reach or hazardous areas. 

The versatile robotic device has a wide range of applications, including facilitating structural integrity checks and maintenance work. It works on any surface type without limitation, including glass, and not requiring any support cables or magnets to help in crawling.

Mohammed is currently working on refining his device, which has the potential to significantly reduce risk and enhance safety in the field of maintenance and fault detection.


The wall climbing robot will have a profound impact on the maintenance of large structures for safety and hazard inspection carried out by construction companies, public authorities, and HSSE teams. Besides safeguarding human life through the automation of the hazardous process, it also minimizes the time and cost compared to traditional inspection methods.

Mohammed’s robot can drive research and development as well as safety in various fields, making the phasing out of using human workers for hazardous, life-threatening maintenance and cleaning jobs possible and potentially saving many lives. He aims to complete his work on the project to drive forward robotics in the region and to instill a sense of pride in his home country and the region at large by establishing leadership in the field of robotics.